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Typically conducted in consultation with the the CEO (or similar) and nominated members of the executive team, the Discovery Phase brings to the fore a clear understanding of the current state of the organisation as opposed to the desired state. Components of  this phase include;


- Review of the current Strategic Plan,

- Review of the current Business Plan,  

- Review of progress against key milestones of the Business Plan, and

- Analysis of the key performance indicators in each of the relevant areas of the organisation.


An Executive Summary is then presented highlighting the hidden 1%er's. 


Using the Executive Summary from Phase 1 as the foundation, Phase 2 explores and identifies specific projects and improvement opportunities throughout the organisation to achieve the desired state and potential ROI.  To ensure engagement  at all levels of the organisation,phase 2 seeks to gain insight from a broader number of people including managers. supervisors and importantly, general level employees. 


Components of this phase include;

- One on One structured discussions with nominated individuals 

- Broad survey to nominated staff covering a variety of topics, 

- Deep dive analysis of key opportunities

The identified improvement opportunities and larger projects are then compiled into a simple and actionable Executive Summary.


Continuing to build on Phase 1 and 2, Phase 3 sets out to prioritise and plan for the Implementation of the agreed improvement opportunities. The prioritisation is typically guided by the Business Plan, and the alignment of the various initiatives to the organisations broader strategic objectives. In some cases, a more granular review of some of the initiatives will be required.


Similar to Phase 1, work in this Phase is conducted in consultation with the the CEO (or similar) and nominated members of the executive team. Importantly, managers of specific departments which will be impacted by the initiatives will be involved in the prioritisation and Planning process.


There are many characteristics of successful organisations, The ability to quickly and effectively take action on identified opportunities is one of them. 


Leaning on the plan developed in Phase 3, Phase 4 is where managers and employees and empowered to take action, and the organisation works towards realising the identified ROI.  Full visibility and accountability are important aspects of ensuring the smooth and timely implementation of all agreed projects and improvement opportunities.


With clear and common objectives, not only will staff feel a greater sense of purpose and empowerment , management can take advantage of the swell of activity to embed  a sustainable high performance culture.


P.O Box 767, Sanctuary Cove, QLD, 4212

Human Dynamics Pty Ltd : ACN 62 095 053 544

0412 355 519

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